WINCHESTER Crown Court marked the beginning of the new legal year with a centuries-old traditional ceremony today (October 2).

The court's judges, barristers, clerks and ushers attended the reading of the Letters Patent, an annual event.

The ceremony began with High Court Judge, the Honourable Mr Justice Gray, leading out the Judicial Party, made up of the court's six judges, and the Shrieval Party of the High Sheriff of Hampshire, Sarah Thorne, the Under Sheriff and Sheriff's Chaplain.

The court was then formally opened by the High Court Judge's own clerk, before the clerk of the court, Keith Harrison, read the Letters Patent.

At the conclusion of the reading, the clerk proclaimed "God Save the Queen" to end the ceremony.

The judges then retired.

The legal year is made up of four terms; Michaelmas runs from October to December, Hilary from January to April, Easter from April to May and Trinity from June to July.