A KEEPER at Marwell Zoo near Winchester who overcame disability to land her dream job is having her story told in London.

Katy Beschizza is one of six people who will be saluted at the Shaw Trust's annual star awards.

The 31-year-old from Basingstoke has been profoundly deaf since contracting meningitis as a baby.

She studied animal care at Sparsholt College and was later referred to the Shaw Trust, which helps to find jobs for the disabled.

The organisation, which is celebrating its silver jubilee, arranged a work placement, which led to a permanent job offer. She has now been at Marwell for nine years.

She added: "I'd worked in kennels, stables and a cattery, but the Shaw Trust asked me what I really wanted to do, and I said I dreamt of being a zookeeper at Marwell, where I'd wanted to work since I was five years old."

The trust is organising the celebration event in London on Tuesday, November 27.