BRITISH justice is a sham. While those who appear to commit more serious offences get lesser sentences, former MP Chris Huhne and his ex-wife Vicky Pryce are jailed for eight months.

They are not a threat to society and it would make more sense to give them some form of community service. They are both very clever and have much to offer.

Vicky Pryce was obviously so obsessed with “nailing” her husband that it all spiralled out of her control.

Why wasn’t she warned at the very beginning that by continuing with her angry vendetta against Huhne could land her in jail.

She must have been so full of hatred over her broken marriage to even mention her abortion and even worse, she poisoned her children’s minds against their father and his partner, and let her son’s texts be read in court, which I thought was so sad.

Anyone could see that Pryce was making herself ill. Imprisoning her with hardened criminals is so cruel.

Huhne was a brilliant, clever and compassionate MP and Cabinet minister and I’m sure he will be well liked and popular in prison.

My heart goes out to all the family, especially the children whose lives have been ripped apart and I hope they make a reconciliation with their father soon. They need some sort of stability now.